What Shall I Get My Kids for Mother’s Day?

One Mom Talks About The Gift of Being Mom

by Cindy Myska, co-founder of DailyHap and mother of two (Lyssa and Jordan)

Every Day is Mother’s Day for me. Every day I am grateful I get to be Mom to two fabulous children. Every year, I say to them: “Don’t worry about getting me a present for Mother’s Day. I am the lucky one, I get to be a Mother EVERY DAY.

I will celebrate THEM this Mother’s Day. What shall I get them for Mother’s Day?

I might get Lyssa a new iPhone to thank her for calling MOM to give updates on her life. How many passes she caught in beach football is extremely important.

I might get Jordan some serving utensils for his kitchen. That way, when MOM invites herself over to help with the next party that is held at his house, we won’t have to use measuring cups and tablespoons to serve the beans and potato salad.

I might send Lyssa a Bodum Coffee Press to replace Cali’s coffee press—broken by Lyssa—to thank her for letting me sometimes be MOM to Cali too.

I might buy Jordan some mulch for his yard to encourage his desire to have the yard look good for his friend James’ MOM’s funeral reception. And to thank him for letting me sometimes be MOM to James too.

I might send Lyssa my necklace she admired. Because I get so excited when she likes her mom’s fashion choices, I just want to give her one of everything that she compliments (I think she knows this).

I might get Jordan a brown shirt because MOM thinks he looks so good in brown and although he is a grown man, he is still willing to value his Mom’s fashion sense and wear a shirt she chooses.

I might buy Lyssa a couch for her new tiny house because MOM thinks the beach is so worth all the costs/risks she took to get there. And I’d like to have a place to sit when I visit.

I might buy Jordan a no-iron (brown) shirt because he does not mind that MOM failed to teach him to iron. Or go to the Cleaners.

I might just give them both a simple Thank You for being themselves.

Most importantly, I give them permission not to succumb to the advertising pressure to buy Mom a gift: relief from the Guilt of “Gotta go get a present for Mom, gotta get it by Sunday, gotta put it in the mail, blah guilt, blah guilt…”

I have been given a Mother’s Day gift every day since the day each of them was born, and nothing else is needed.

I might give them one of the gifts above just to remind myself how happy I am to be MOM.

Category: Style


One comment

  1. This encapsulates my feelings on so many levels! No wonder I have been so nourished by you, Cindy, for soooooo long! What beauty emanates from your being!

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