Fantabulous, Shitabulous, and Other Awesome Ways to Feel

How Are You?

by Cindy Myska, therapist and Managing Director of Daily Hap

Someone said “How are you?” to Nora, my Bikram yoga teacher. She answered “Fantabulous!” She gets asked “How are you?” so many times in a day that she decided to start making up words instead of saying “I’m fine” every time. 

I am awesomendous today. If you ask me in an hour or two, I might be tremendoulous or maybe even okayfine. I might pause a minute when you ask me how I am doing today because I will have to stretch a little to make up a new word. But no matter, I am sure I will be at the very least happilicious.

No, I am not always doing fine when someone asks me “How are you doing?” But I rarely answer with “I am in a shitty mood and I hate everybody today.” But from now on when I feel that way I think I will say, “I am shitabulous today, how about you?”

Image:  Some rights reserved by susan solinski

Category: Belief
