Six Ways to Love Your Body

Let Go of Self-Hate

Directly cribbed from Fit Mama Training’s “How I Let Go of Self-Hate and Discovered My Beautiful“, we’re excited to share six ways to literally love your body. Fit Mama cautions: “I wish I could offer a simple step by step tutorial to letting go of all the negative feelings we’ve learned to have about our bodies and ourselves.” It’s not that easy because we’re unlearning what we’ve spent years sub- and un-consciously learning. But here are the steps, click over for her elaboration.
  1. Decide you don’t want to hate yourself anymore.
  2. Let go of negative self-talk. It doesn’t serve you or anyone around you.
  3. Allow any aesthetic goals you may have be secondary to the bigger goal, of caring for yourself. Which includes being kind in your words and actions.
  4. Stop engaging in bashing other women and their bodies. This is harmful to you as it is harmful to anyone who hears it, even if it’s not them you speak of … even if they are agreeing.
  5. Spend time getting comfortable in your skin. Reconnect with the body you have now. Make peace so you can move forward.
  6. Do your best everyday, knowing that each day your best will be different. Be patient with yourself as you go.

Image: Some rights reserved by cristian_may

Category: Body
