Start Spring Off With an Organized Closet

Clean, organized closets make for happy people

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, why not start the season off with a fresh, clean closet? Even if you’re not a neat-freak, organizing your life brings about a certain amount of contentment. Editing your closet will bring you happiness in a myriad of ways: you’ll be able to get dressed more quickly, you’ll see more options for outfits, and you might even make some cash or feel good about donating your old clothes!

Via goop experts, we bring you 6 Golden Rules for Editing Your Closet.

1. OUT: If you hold up a garment and can see any body part imprinted in it—elbows, knees, saggy bum—it goes out.

2. OUT: Pay particular attention to collars. These are near your face and right in people’s eye lines, so any fraying, wear-and-tear, sweat, or make-up stains means it goes.

3. OUT: Use the two tries rule: if you have put on a garment and then immediately taken it off to wear something else two or more times, let it go. Even if you spent good money on it and have never worn it, you are not getting that money back by keeping it in your closet. 

4. OUT (related): “Anything more than 6 months old that still has tags on it was a mistake. It doesn’t excite you and/or it doesn’t work with your other pieces. We live and learn. Assess what doesn’t work, and let it go.”

5. KEEP (elsewhere): Nostalgia. Before you begin editing, get at least two substantial storage boxes. Allocate appropriate names for each, such as costumes / nostalgia / presents. By all means, keep the sentimental clothes or gifts as a nice part of your history. But don’t keep them in your everyday closet.

Box these items up and store them away from your everyday options. You’ll be amazed how much extra space and order you’ll win back just from this one simple step.

6. KEEP: “All, and I mean every single thing you own, should make you feel great, from your cashmere sweaters and jeans, to your evening wear.”

Spend a few hours giving yourself a clean closet slate for spring!

Image: Some rights reserved by Rubbermaid Products

Category: Style
