Walk for More Brain Power!

A new study shows improved cognition with walking

A new study shows that cognitive performance of adolescent girls who walk to school is better than that of girls who travel by bus or car. It’s even better in girls who take more than 15 minutes to walk to school. A study published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine looked at a sample of 1700 boys and girls aged between 13 and 18 years (808 boys and 892 girls) in five Spanish cities (Granada, Madrid, Murcia, Santander and Zaragoza).

Cognitive performance was measured by a Spanish educational ability test. The test assesses command of language, speed in performing mathematical operations, and reasoning.

Variables studied included mode of commuting to school, cognitive performance, anthropometrics—like body mass index and percentage of overweight and obesity, participants’ extracurricular physical activity, families’ socio-economic status using the mother’s level of educational achievement (primary school, secondary school or university) and the type of school (state-funded or private) attended.

Participants provided the information on how they usually traveled to school (options: on foot, by bicycle, car, bus or subway, motorcycle, and other) and how long it usually takes.

Researchers state that during adolescence, “the plasticity of the brain is greater than at any other time of life, which makes it the opportune period to stimulate cognitive function”. However, paradoxically, adolescence is the time of life that sees the greatest decline in physical activity, and this is greater in girls. 

“Commuting to school on foot is a healthy daily habit, which contributes to keeping the adolescent active during the rest of the day and encourages them to participate in physical and sports activities. This boosts the expenditure of energy and, all in all, leads to a better state of health”, say Palma Chillón, researcher in the Department of Physical and Sports Education of the University of Granada, and David Martínez-Gómez, of the Department of Physical and Sports Education and Human Movement (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

As an adult, you may have less brain plasticity, but you can still make walking to work, or the morning coffee run, or with the dog, a part of your routine and reap cognitive benefits. 

Image: Some rights reserved by © 2006-2013 Pink Sherbet Photography

Category: Psych
